Pick Your Own Jostaberries


Up-to-the-minute crop and field conditions, varieties, and current market prices.


The Only Provider of Jostaberries in the Northeast!

Please be sure to call our Pick-Your-Own Hotline at 860-349-6015 for the latest picking conditions and updates, or check out our Facebook page for daily updates.

A little bit tart, a little bit sweet, and a tad tangy, Jostaberries are a cross between a black current and a gooseberry. When ripe, they turn a glossy deep purple (almost black) and taste similar to a gooseberry with a hint of black currant and grape.

The name Jostaberry, pronounced "yusta-berry", derives from the German word for gooseberry.  Rich in nutrition, Jostaberries are abundant in antioxidants and vitamin C.  Eat these oversized berries fresh from the farm, or enjoy them in jams, pies or fruit crumbles.  Jostaberries are also great for wine making.

Pick them while their here, because they are only available from early July to mid July, and Lyman Orchards is the only commercial grower of Jostaberries in the Northeast


Early July - Mid July


Select berries that are dark purple, nearly black in color. They should be firm to the touch.


Gently wash freshly picked berries and drain. They can be kept up to one week in the refrigerator in a plastic container.


Jostaberries hold up well to freezing. Simply wash the berries, drain and pat dry. Place berries in a single layer on a cookie sheet and freeze. After they're frozen, berries can be placed in a plastic container or bag and returned to the freezer.

Recipes & Blogs

Frozen Jostaberry Cider pops

Print Recipe 1 pint jostaberries 3 tbsp lime juice 1 pint cider ½ cup granulated sugar Popcicle sticks In a food processor, blend until smooth.  Pour into ice trays or […]

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Lyman Orchards is a pet-free property. Please leave your pets at home. Service Animals Welcome.

The Apple Barrel

Winter Hours:
9:00AM - 5:00PM

*Apple Barrel Farm Market will be closing at 4pm for an employee party on Monday, February 3rd*

Apple Barrel Deli
Open Daily: 9:00AM-4:00PM

32 Reeds Gap Rd
Middlefield, CT 06455
Phone: 860-349-6000

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Lyman Golf



700 Main Street
Middlefield, CT 06455
Phone: 860-349-6031

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1741 Pub & Grill

Monday: Closed
Tues-Sat: 11:00AM - 9:00PM
Sunday: 9:00AM - 9:00PM

*Will be open Monday, December 30th for Holiday Hours, 11am-9pm

70 Lyman Road
Middlefield, CT 06455
Phone: 860-349-6033

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Pick your own

SEE YOU IN 2025!

105 South Street
Middlefield, CT 06455
Phone: 860-349-6015

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